Pupils peeing in buckets during
lessons. Groin-grabbing games. A boy called Fred Flintstone who bullies other
kids because of his name. As the resident agony uncle on the TES online
behaviour forum for the past 18 months, I have met and tried to deal with all
of these.
Fortunately, most teachers will not
be confronted with these problems, but behaviour is still the number one
concern for many. And this is especially true for new teachers. Whenever
student teachers get together to discuss their greatest fears, there is one
thing that everyone agrees occupies their worst nightmares: what if they do not
do as I ask?
Well all teachers should take comfort
from this: you are not alone, and you most certainly are not as awful as you
think you are.
One of the most depressing things a
new teacher faces is the gap between what they expect of the pupils, and what
actually happens. You may wonder how some teachers have the ability to walk
into a room and the pupils all fall silent. This is the new teacher’s dream
come true but, the truth is, it all takes time and effort. Other teachers make
it look easy because all their effort has been done in the past. Teachers you
see around school will appear to have behavioural superpowers because their
classes will already be drilled into compliance.
Give it
time and don't give up
You need to get some perspective
about what is expected of you, and what is possible. If you walk in with
expectations of instant authority, you will be crushed by the indifference of
some pupils towards your finely crafted lesson plans. So expect everything from
them, but do not expect it instantly. There is a myth, usually perpetuated by
people who have not taught challenging classes for a while, that you are a
rubbish teacher if you cannot control the class. You have no power to control
it: the class allows itself to be controlled. This can be achieved by many methods,
and they all take time.
Gone are the days of instant, craven
submission to authority figures. Pupils now wait to see what you are made of,
and they quickly make their minds up. When they first encounter a class, even
the most experienced teachers will be tested. Your job is simply to show the
pupils that you care enough about their education and well-being to be tough
with them. And keep doing it: never give up, even when you feel like it.
What if you do everything you should
with classes, but they are still roasting you like a rotisserie ham? One of the
most important things I tell new teachers is to do everything that their
mentors and tutors have recommended (recording incidents, following up, setting
detentions) and keep doing so.
For a while it might seem pointless:
the same children keep repeating the same misdemeanours, and worse. The same
class tears your lesson to pieces. The same pupils do not submit homework.
Do not think for a second that your
methods are not working - they just have not worked yet. Did the slave workers
at Giza tip one enormous stone block into position and then give up, saying,
“It’s not a pyramid yet, let’s go home”? No, they did not. You are building a
pyramid, but for a while it might seem like nothing is happening.
You're not
dealing with Moriartys here
In one of my earlier classes, I
turned my back to the pupils every time they asked me to write something on the
board. And every time a small asteroid of paper would bounce playfully off the
back of my head. It took me a fortnight to realise that turning my back to them
wasn’t a good idea. It took me another fortnight to find large pieces of paper
torn out of one charming girl’s exercise book. Lesson number two: take their
books in more often. You are not dealing with Professor Moriartys here.
You also need to recognise that there
are some situations that are beyond your control. Every teacher will face the
devolution to the jungle-state that results from the arrival of any insect in
the classroom larger than a fruit fly, and God forbid you should entertain
anything as enormous as a bee. Imagine the Lord of the Flies diorama that
followed a pigeon flying into one of my lessons in my training school. I could
not have kept the pupils in their seats if I had promised them JLS were coming.
The kids seemed to think they were filming for Saw VIII, with the plot
revolving around a small bird perched in the rafters, looking stupid and
terrified. In such cases, you do not manage the behaviour, you accommodate it,
and make sure that no one breaks a leg trying to run through a wall like Wile
E. Coyote.
Focus on
the lone wolf
You might not have to tame the whole
class: they might be fairly well behaved with one or two who spoil everything.
Congratulations, you have a normal classroom. In fact, this is one of the
easiest problems to tackle (despite appearances to the contrary) because if the
majority of your class are behaving well, you can temporarily focus your energy
on resolving the situation with the lone wolf.
The few pupils who are kicking off
need to be detained, punished, talked to and isolated. Parents can be called
in. Special needs can be assessed professionally. What must not happen is to
let them carry on misbehaving without consequence, otherwise their poor
behaviour will infect other more agreeable children.
Yet sometimes you have to be prepared
for the unexpected. I once worked in a school where I found a boy sitting by
himself in a classroom at breaktime. He refused every request I made to leave,
until I threatened to get “someone he did respect” to turf him out. It was only
then he told me that he had accidentally soiled himself. There are times when
sympathy for human tragedy overwhelms even the hardest of hearts.
One thing you need to be aware of is
the whole-school behaviour policy. Every school should have one, describing
what steps you should take in the event of misbehaviour, and what misbehaviour
looks like in that school. This is an invaluable support for new teachers. The
pupils will already know what the system is, so if you show that you have
understood and bought into it already, you have got the full weight of the
school behind you.
Some new teachers complain that they
do not feel the school supports them particularly well and they feel abandoned
to deal with their problems alone. Shame on those schools. New teachers are
given next to no explicit, dedicated behaviour management training throughout
their initial teacher training, so cannot be expected to know exactly what to
do in all circumstances.
Teaching can usually only be improved
and reflected upon by doing, and that means being in a classroom, trying things
out, succeeding and failing, reflecting and improving. That is a sensitive
process, requiring much observation, advice, and room to grow. What it does not
mean is turning new teachers over to the wolves and seeing how long they last
before applying to other schools.
On the other hand, teachers old and
new need to acknowledge the responsibility they have to manage their
classrooms. If you are not putting the time and effort into setting and
attending detentions, planning lessons to avoid poor behaviour and reporting
transgressors, you are not pulling your weight for the school and cannot expect
your colleagues to solve your problems for you.
Do not
suffer alone
You need to all work together. So if
you feel like you are not getting enough from the school, do not suffer alone.
Speak to someone about it, and do not give up until you are happy with the
answers you have been given.
Refusing to get others involved is
just another way to beat yourself up. I suffered for a year as an NQT because I
thought that asking for help would make me look like a failure. So week after
week, I put up with my bottom set GCSE class making up their own lessons and
texting each other gaily while I put fires out every 10 seconds. Eventually
they started to come around, but that was more because they had warmed to me
than because I had worn them down with rigour, rules and relying on the school
policies. If I had tried the latter, I would have had them on course in about a
Another behaviour puzzle most new
teachers will face is the problem of lazy pupils. What if they are behaving
politely or manageably enough, but are reacting with slothful indolence to any
task? One way to encourage them is to light a fire under their tails,
figuratively speaking. Connect some kind of penalty with low output, such as
keeping them in after lessons to complete work, if timetabling allows; or
setting a detention for significant underperformance.
good output
The other way to tackle it is to put
a rabbit under their noses and let it race off. Incentivise them with rewards
for good output: lots of praise for those finished first or to a satisfactory
level of quality. And finally, the best way to get pupils motivated to work is
to differentiate appropriately so they can access the tasks, and keep the tasks
interesting and varied to drive pace.
These are just some of the ways you
can turn the first fearsome few weeks into a gentler experience. Unless you are
very lucky, you will have a testing, tiring time. That is the job: it is not
glamorous, it is difficult at times, and to begin with you might wonder why you
chose it.
But if you start it right, get into
good habits, and - more importantly - get your pupils into good habits, it is
the best job in the world.
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