Monday, January 26, 2015

TEFL acronyms and terminologies

One of the first things to confront you in your TEFL career is the minefield of acronyms. We’ve put together a guide to help you make sense of it all.


EFLEnglish as a Foreign Language
ESLEnglish as a Second Language
TEFLTeaching English as a Foreign Language
TESLTeaching English as a Second Language
TESOLTeaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Traditionally, TEFL refers to teaching in non-English speaking countries, whereas TESL refers to teaching in English speaking countries, to non-native speakers living or working there. In practice, though, the two terms are often used interchangeably, and both are covered by the all-encompassing TESOL.

Teaching terminology

CALLComputer Assisted Language Learning
CALL refers to language instruction through the use of technology. It usually refers to using language learning software to teach specific language points.
DOSDirector of Studies
ELLEnglish Language Learner
ELTEnglish Language Teaching or Training
EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes
EAP involves teaching students who are studying, or who intend to study, in higher education in an English speaking country. This could include teaching study skills or preparing students for an exam such as the TOEFL.
ESPEnglish for Specific Purposes
ESP refers to teaching English to a learners with specific needs and objectives, and usually refers to teaching professionals in a specific field. For example, doctors may require medical English, bankers may require financial English, company directors may require language for negotiating or making presentations.
K12Kindergarten to 12th Grade
K-12 is not specific to English language teaching, but you may see job advertisements asking for K-12 ESL teachers. The term is common in the USA and refers to teaching children from kindergarten through to 12th grade.
L1A student’s first language
L2A student’s second language
If someone asks you if you use L1 in the classroom, they are asking if you use your students’ native language, or if you only use L2, i.e. English.
STTStudent talking time – the amount of time that students spend talking during a class (ideally as much as possible)
TTTTeacher talking time – the amount of time the teacher spends talking during a class

Teaching qualifications

CELTACertificate in English Language Teaching to Adults
The CELTA is one of the most internationally recognised and accepted entry-level qualifications. The old name for the CELTA was the CTEFLA (Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults). There are many other entry-level qualifications.
CELTYLCertificate in English Language Teaching to Young Learners
This qualification is no longer offered. Instead, Cambridge offer the Young Learner Extension to the CELTA, for those who want to specialise in teaching Young Learners.
DeltaDiploma in English Language Teaching to Adults
The Delta is a higher level qualification, usually studied after two or more years of teaching for career progression. The old name for the DELTA was the DTEFLA (Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults).
ICELTIn-service Certificate in English Language Teaching
IDLTMInternational Diploma in Language Teaching Management
The IDLTM is designed for teachers looking to take on management responsibility.
PGCEPost Graduate Certificate in Education
A PGCE is a UK teaching qualification required to teach in the state sector, and is not specific to language teaching.
TKTTeaching Knowledge Test
The TKT focuses on the core teaching knowledge needed by teachers, whatever your background and teaching experience.


BECBusiness English Certificates
BULATSBusiness Language Testing Service
CAECertificate in Advanced English or Cambridge English: Advanced
CELSCertificates in English Language Skills
CPECertificate of Proficiency in English or Cambridge English: Proficiency
FCEFirst Certificate in English or Cambridge English: First
IELTSInternational English Language Testing System
KETKey English Test or Cambridge English: Key
PETPreliminary English Test or Cambridge English: Preliminary
TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language
TOEICTest of English for International Communication
YLECambridge Young Learners English Tests

Professional associations

ARELSThe Association of Recognised English Language Schools
IATEFLInternational Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
TESOLTeachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc.

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